Nokia 800

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/home/william/handbrake -2 -t 1 -w 400 -l 240 -b 512 -r 25 -B 128 -R 44100 -i path_to_VTS_files -o output_filename.mp4

Script for easy conversion of DVD to mpgs for N800

#Feel free to reuse this script
#And when you are finished hacking it to bits drop me a line and I will happily
#add the hacked bits to this script for others
#But dont forget to go and get a Purple alert Card for those emergencies
# This will convert all titles on a DVD to N800 in fairly good quality.
# $1 = DVD/VIDEO_TS (eg. /media/TitleOfDVD )
# $2 = ~/dvds/titlename/title1 to $3 
# ($3 = number of titles)
# if no args then show do ls of /media and of /mnt
# and if no $2 then show number of titles in $1
#./handbrake -2 -t 1 -w 400 -l 240 -b 512 -r 25 -B 128 -R 44100 -i $1 -o $2     
echo "# This will convert all titles on a DVD to N800 in fairly good quality.";
echo "# 1st argument is the DVD path eg = /mnt/ ";
echo "# 2nd argument is the actual DVD path name eg if /mnt/dvd then just dvd";
echo "# 3rd arugment is the start title to convert";
echo "# 4th argument is the final title to convert";
echo "# if no argumentss then program will do ls of /media and of /mnt so you can determine the DVD path names";
echo "# and if no 3rd argument then it will show the number of titles in the path given";
echo "#";
echo "#";
echo "#";
echo "#";
echo "#";
echo "#";
echo "# SAMPLE COMMAND : ./ /media/ MyDVD 1 8 ";
echo "#";
echo "# the sample command will convert titles 1 to 8 on the DVD and output the new mini files to ~/N800DVDS";
echo "# Note the space between /media/ and MyDVD this allows the folder to be created in N800DVDS";
echo "#";
echo "#";
echo "#"; 
if [ ! -d ~/N800DVDS ]; then
echo "#";
echo "#";
echo "#";
	echo "Creating ~/N800DVDS directory for DVDs";
echo "#";
echo "#";
echo "#";
	mkdir ~/N800DVDS;
if [ $3 ]; then
# do the work
echo "#";
echo "#";
echo "#";
echo "Converting DVD";
mkdir ~/N800DVDS/$2;
echo "Converting chapters $4 to $5 ";
for COUNTER in `seq $4 $5`;
   echo "Converting Title $COUNTER";
   echo ./handbrake -2 -t $COUNTER -w 400 -l 240 -b 512 -r 25 -B 128  -i $1$2/VIDEO_TS -o ~/N800DVDS/$2/$2$COUNTER.mp4;
   ./handbrake -2 -t $COUNTER -w 400 -l 240 -b 512 -r 25 -B 128  -i $1$2/VIDEO_TS -o ~/N800DVDS/$2/$2$COUNTER.mp4;
echo "#";
echo "#";
echo "#"; 
if [ $1 ]; then
#show titles
echo "Showing you the titles - you need the number of them I can find on the DVD";
echo "As soon as you see the number eg. 2 to 11 you can press CTRL+C to break then rerun and put which titles you want to convert into the second arg";
./handbrake -t 0 -i $1$2/VIDEO_TS	;
echo "----End of List----";
echo "You have not supplied any arguments - I will show you a list of what your DVD access may be :-";
echo "Under the media folder is :-";
echo "";
ls -ad /media/*;
echo "";
echo "--------------------";
echo "Under the mnt folder is :-";
echo "";
ls -ad /mnt/*;
echo "";
echo "--------------------";